There are a number of advantages to starting a new business, from having control of your own destiny, saving tax, the potential to significantly improve your personal wealth, not only benefiting yourselves but also future generations.
We understand that there are a number of challenges and uncertainties faced by starting up a new business. We use our expertise to advise and guide you through this process to maximise success.
We also offer a free consultation, a free strategy plan and a fixed price no obligation quote so that you are not faced with unexpected bills.
Below are just some of the areas we can assist you during starting up:
Guidance on what is required to be done to start a new business, including forms to fill.
Advise on what structure to operate under i.e. Sole Trader, Partnership, Limited Liability Company outlining the potential benefits and drawbacks of each.
Minimise your accounting related work so that you can focus on making as much money as possible doing what you are good at.
Assistance in identifying financial needs and sources of finance including corresponding with banks and other finance providers.
Advising on potential grants and assistance on claiming this grant.
Assistance with budgeting to ensure that the business will be as profitable as possible.
Advice on how to make best use of technology.

Get a free consultation
We offer a free, no obligation consultation to understand your needs and discuss ways in which we can help you.
Get in touch:
Call: 01267 237 377